Combine and sort CSS media queries online

PostCSS plugin for combine and sort CSS media queries with mobile first or desktop first methods.

postcss: 8.4.23, postcss-sort-media-queries: 5.1.0

What does the plugin do?

The plugin performs sorting and combining CSS media queries in two ways:

Mobile first
A method for developing the interface, taking into account the fact that it will be used mainly on mobile devices. From mobile to desktop.
Desktop first
A method for developing the interface, taking into account the fact that it will be used mainly on desktops and large screens. From desktop to mobile.

Combining CSS media queries

Combining the same media queries into one turned out to be a side effect when developing the plugin, unexpected optimization 😉

Thanks 💪

Andrey Sitnik, Jakub Caban, Dmytro Symonov, Kai Falkowski, Олег Дутченко